




Photography is a hobby of mine. I might not be great but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it. It might be fairer to myself to say that I am not very consistent, rather than useless. You can find some of my better results here, under Broadmarsh and miscellaneous.

The equipment I use is a Minolta Dynax 500SI Super with 35-70mm Minolta lens and 70-300mm Sigma lens. I bought a Cannon S50 at the beginning of 2003 with the aim of improving my ability to take photos of people. I now use the S50 almost in preference to the traditional camera because of its immediacy - being able to spot what photos just don't work. The running cost of digital also appeals... and people say that taking lots of photos is the only way to improve.

Sometimes it is enough just to have photos of people you know and love. Check the sidebar for those.

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